Our Beliefs

We encourage you to view our catechism to learn about our beliefs in greater detail.

Our catechism is a modified version of the Heidelberg Catechism which can be found below:

Real Life Church is a Non-denominational congregation, however…

At Real Life Church

We believe in the Holy Triune God as revealed through his inspired word.

We believe that true salvation is found in Christ alone, through faith alone. We believe that a saving faith is accompanied by the presence of the Holy Spirit, and thus will always be shown to be true through, but not upheld or earned by, good works.

We believe that the Holy Spirit still moves among His saints, and graciously gifts us with miraculous abilites, revelations, and new desires which we are obligated to use in service of the Lord, and our fellow saints.

We believe in the full, unequivical, continually abiding, authoritative, infallible, and inspired word of God as the ultimate authority for discerning the will of God. We believe all books of the Bible, Genesis through Revelation, are equally inspired, important, and relevant. Because of this, we make no decision as a church without referring to the totality of inspired scripture as our primary source of insight and wisdom.

Belong Believe Become

At Real Life Church we believe all people from every tribe Belong in the Father’s house, to Believe in the name of the Son Jesus Christ, and to Become sanctified through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are passionate about a gospel centered community that glorifies the Lord through worship, fellowship, and discipleship. It’s our dream to see the word of God influence every aspect of our local community by faithfully preaching, teaching, prophesying, and serving. We are confident that the Lord can and will restore our community in this generation, and we are working to help in any way we can, one heart at a time.